United Way of Greater New Haven will administer one Phase of federal funds under the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP). New Haven County was granted the following award to be allocated in its jurisdiction:

$454,639 in Phase 40

Allocations to Local Recipient Organizations (LROs) will be determined through a competitive application process for New Haven County nonprofits, faith-based organizations, and government agencies who are providing emergency services.

To be eligible for EFSP funding, organizations must provide one or more of the following services (organizations may apply for more than one funding area):

  • Food (served meals, food vouchers, food pantries)
  • Shelter (mass shelter, motel vouchers)
  • Rental Assistance
  • Utility Assistance

EFSP Funds are supplemental and not intended to substitute for other program funds, start new programs or be held or reserved for future use. The spending period for Phase 40 begins November 1, 2021 and goes through December 31, 2023.

Before submitting application please review www.efsp.unitedway.org to familiarize yourself with funding guidelines, requirements, practices and reporting expectations. FUNDS GRANTED BUT NOT EXPENDED AND DOCUMENTED ACCORDING TO THE EFSP HANDBOOK GUIDELINES MUST BE RETURNED. Organizations with the GREATEST ability to maximize funding against program impact are preferred. Organizations with known EFSP compliance issues from any previous Phase may not apply for new funding until all compliance issues are resolved.

Applications are due electronically no later than 4:00 PM EST on Monday, February 6, 2023. Exceptions will not be made.



  • 501(c), non-profit agencies, or public agencies, providing food and/or shelter to homeless and low-income people.
  • Agencies must not charge fees to clients for EFSP-provided services, nor may a donation be suggested.
  • Service providers must be supplementing existing food and shelter programs. Funding will not be given to start new programs or to stop a program from closing.  If the program were to close if EFSP funds were to be removed, then EFSP funds are not being used properly.
  • Agencies must practice non-discrimination and not require religious participation(Note: “Non-discrimination” is not interpreted to apply to Native American organizations if they serve only members or descendants of members of federally recognized Indian tribes.)
  • Agencies must be governed by a volunteer Board of Directors (except for government units).
  • Agencies must conduct an audit if requesting or receiving over $50,000 in EFSP funds and must comply with OMB single audit requirements. NOTE: It is at the Local Board’s discretion to request an audit from any agency, regardless of the amount allocated.
  • Agencies receiving over $750,000 in federal funds must comply with OMB single audit requirements.
  • Agencies must have EFSP programs listed on 2-1-1 database.
  • Agencies should be able to capture client counts and provide that information in reports as required.
  • EFSP participating agencies cannot operate as vendors for themselves or other EFSP-funded agencies.

Eligible Program Activities/Costs 

FOOD: Eligible costs include food and served meals; this funding is intended to provide basic, nutritional meals on an ongoing basis not for non-nutritive items. The funding is not intended to be used for a singular event, special celebratory events, holiday baskets, etc. Also, dessert items (i.e., cookies, snack food, candy, etc.) used as part of a daily meal plan may be purchased in limited amounts.

Served Mealsa pre-set amount of $3.00 per meal per person.  Limited amount of funding for food-related supplies and transportation.

Other Food—The Other Food category is intended to allow agencies such as food pantries and food banks to pay for the purchase of food items, food vouchers and food gift cards/certificates to assist in the feeding of eligible clients.


Per Diems, Mass Shelterpre-set amounts of $12.50 a night per person with case management.

Hotel/Motel Vouchers- Up to 90-days assistance per individual per program period.

Rent/Mortgage AssistanceUp to 90 days of assistance per household; individual payments must guarantee an additional 30 days of housing; no late fees, legal fees, deposits or condo fees are allowed.

Utility Assistance - Up to 90-days assistance per household; individual payments must guarantee an additional 30 days of service. Utilities include water, gas and electricity.


PLEASE NOTE: You will be required to submit a completed LRO Certification form for each phase. These forms will be made available upon acceptance of the Local Board Plan by the EFSP National Board. Once the awards are accepted, you will be required to complete the LRO Certification Form with your LRO number and your name AS IT APPEARS ON THE EFSP WEBSITE. Please visit the EFSP website to verify your number and organization name prior to submitting the form.

EFSP funds are made available by the Department of Homeland Security/FEMA and are contingent upon the federal government's ability to pay.

Questions regarding the application process should be forwarded to Mike Degen, United Way of Greater New Haven at mdegen@uwgnh.org

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